Magical Resistance. Witchcraft and Contemporary Art
Project Space Last Tango, 19.01.2020, Zürich
(c) Last Tango / Joris Burla
(c) Last Tango / Joris Burla
(c) Last Tango / Joris Burla
(c) Last Tango / Joris Burla
(c) Last Tango / Joris Burla

Englischer Abstract:

Katharina Brandl's talk will examine five key reasons for the recent (queer-)feminist reception of and interest in witchcraft in contemporary art. She will present an "incomplete typology" of the phenomenon in order to map out the works of art witches in all their diversity; furthermore, Katharina's talk will discuss the key differences between the recent "witch trend" in contemporary art and the interest of earlier generations of feminist artists in the intersection between witchcraft and their practice.

Last Tango