Performances in Multiplayer Online Games
Lecture, 26.10.2019, CCS, Paris

On the occasion of Mélodie Mousset's exhibition "L'épluchée", the symposium "Where bodies meet" looks at the use of screen-based games in the art of virtual worlds and the role of bodies within this constellation. This event brings together academics and artists who work on or with virtual public spaces and who have incisive views on their internal functioning. How can we think about the border between real and virtual, the differences and the passage from one to the other with or through works of art? How does this affect the bodies represented, watching or participating (in the case of games and RV)? How do different bodies experience virtual and real spaces and use the specificities of the tools of these virtual environments in a creative and collective way? Can we draw categorical differences between real and virtual spaces, and how can artists bridge these differences?

Presentations and discussions in English and French

13:30 - Claire Hoffmann (curator, Centre culturel suisse Paris) introduction

13:45 - Katharina Brandl (University of Basel/director Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna), Performances in Multiplayer Online Games

14:15 Loup Vuarnesson (Groupe de recherche Spatial Media de l’EnsadLab) and Coline Joufflineau (artiste, danseuse, chercheuse au CNRS pour le projet MEDIAT), Danse, mouvement et interaction dans la réalité virtuelle – présentations de projets

15:00 - Mélodie Mousset (artist) guides through the exhibition and the HanaHana RV experience

15:30 - Axel Stockburger (artist and theorist, associate professor at the Department of Art & Digital Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna)- Kosepurei - lived space in digital culture

16:00 - Mélodie Mousset and Eduardo Fouilloux (artist, visual innovator in graphics, sound, and interaction), presentation of the joint VR project "Sing a Jellyfish".

16:30 - Round table and discussion

Moderator: Angelo Careri (editor of the magazine Immersion)

Concept: Katharina Brandl (University of Basel/Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna) & Claire Hoffmann (Centre culturel suisse, Paris)