Decoding Zurich's Art Scene, Unraveling Institutional Impact on Artistic Career Development, 09.12.2024, Collegium Helveticum, Zurich
Work hard, play hard. Gaming-Ästhetik und Bilder von Arbeit, Forumsvortrag, 08.12.2022, Kunsthistorisches Seminar, Univ. of Basel
Work hard, play hard, Zur Verhältnisbestimmung von Arbeit, Spiel und Leben, 15.10.2022, Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin
Walpurgis Night Tour Oh, make your fingernails into spades, Your palms into shovels, 02.04.2022, 13:00, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich
Curator's Tour Oh, make your fingernails into spades, Your palms into shovels, 02.04.2022, 13:00, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich
CANCELLED | Die Zeiten fließen, Realistische Computerspielbilder bei Hito Steyerl und Harun Farocki, 24.03.2022, XXXVI. Deutscher Kunsthistorikertag 2022, University of Stuttgart
Only IRL? Performances auf Twitch, Annual meeting of VKKS (Association of Swiss Art Historians), 15.10.2021, HeK, Basel
Conversation with Timothy Morton & Yvonne Volkart, 10.10.2021, donaufestival, Kino im Kesselhaus, Krems
Guest Lecture: Negotiating one's own present, 27.03.2021, Master program ecm - educating/curating/managing, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Talking Sensibilities - Artist Talk w/ Johanna Bruckner, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, 24.01.2020, Vienna
Rhetorics of Realism? Contemporary gaming cultures and socially engaged art practices, Conference "NO Rhetorics. Versions and Subversions of Resistance in Contemporary Global Art", 13.-14.09.2020, Bern/Zürich
Rhetorischer Realismus? Über Gaming-Referenzen in der Gegenwartskunst, 13.06.2019, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Witchcraft Hysteria. References to Witchcraft in Contemporary Art, joint lecture with Johanna Braun, 26.02.2019, Royal Academy of Arts, London
Press X: Handlungsanleitungen und Agency in Hito Steyerls Factory of the Sun, Conference, "Handlungsakte. Mediale Formen von Anleitungen in den Künsten", 08.11.-09.11.2018, University Bielefeld
Schnittmengen #4: Care or Cure? Curatorial Ethics Today, 02.10.2018, Kunstmuseum Basel | Gegenwart, Basel
Witchcraft Hysteria: Performing Witchcraft in Contemporary Art and Pop Culture, Lecture with Johanna Braun, UCLA, Los Angeles