Schnittmengen #2: BFFs
29.06.2018, Off-Space bikini, Basel
(c) Roman Seifert
(c) Roman Seifert
(c) Roman Seifert
(c) Roman Seifert
(c) Roman Seifert
(c) Roman Seifert

The second event in the series of talks "Schnittmengen" was dedicated to curatorial work with/in communities, the role of friendship for professional collaboration and the question of when curating one's own network becomes an exclusive, corruption-prone affair.

Curatorial concepts do not emerge in a vacuum; the curatorial actors and their practice are themselves also shaped by biographical circumstances, personal contacts, friendships and informal exchange: personal embedding in certain scenes and communities and a certain "street credibility" allow less visible communities and artistic practices to be placed in a broader institutional and, not least, academic framework through exhibition projects. But when does this mean that new, previously invisible exhibition histories are written and when, in turn, new exclusions are produced?

Elke Krasny (curator and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), Kadiatou Diallo (freelance curator) and Raffael Dörig (director, Kunsthaus Langenthal) will discuss this issue with Katharina Brandl and Claire Hoffmann.
The discussion took place in German.

The nomadic discussion series "Schnittmengen" brought together curators and scholars in various institutions for contemporary art to address the gaps between curatorial and art scholarly work. The eikones series was conceived and organized by Katharina Brandl and Claire Hoffmann.